Community-Based Organizations
We hope you find some of the resources below to be helpful or of interest. This page is a work in progress. Enhanced Life Options Group does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on a linked website. We do not endorse the organizations sponsoring linked websites or endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer.
New Hampshire:
It is important to know about New Hampshire’s special needs trusts law, RSA 167:4(V). This law clarifies what special needs trusts can pay for. New Hampshire's Special Needs Trust Statute
Community Support Network, Inc.
CSNI is a not for profit organization that works in support of the 10 Area Agencies throughout the state of New Hampshire that provide services to individuals with developmental disabilities and acquired brain injury and their families.
Parent Information Center on Special Education (PIC)
54 Old Suncook Road
Concord, N.H. 03302
(603) 224-7005 (V/TTY); (800) 232-986 (In NH)
Telephone/email support to families with questions about early supports and services, special education, and other disability related concerns, interactive workshops for parents, volunteer advocate training and informational materials (online and printed). Funded in part or whole by the U.S. Department of Education.
Granite State Independent Living Foundation ~ Concord
Statewide Office
21 Chenell Drive
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (800) 826-3700 (V/TTY) or (603) 228-9680
Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) is a statewide non-profit that recognizes the fact that all of us will need some type of support in the course of our lives. We offer the tools and resources so that individuals can participate as fully as they choose in their lives, families, and communities.
Family Centered Early Supports and Services
Program for delivering supports and services in family homes for children from birth through age two who have a diagnosed, established condition that has a high probability of resulting in delay, are experiencing developmental delays, or are at risk for substantial developmental delays if supports and services are not provided.
Partners In Health
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 271-4408
Partners in Health (PIH) is a statewide community-based program that provides support to families of children with chronic health conditions or young adults themselves, regardless of income. The program also provides community events, education, and resource access.
ServiceLink Aging & Disability Resource Centers
Community-based supported information and referral services for older adults and people with disabilities that support people to make informed choices and live independently in their community. Information provided about Medicare and Medicaid. Offices are located throughout the state. Callers are automatically connected to the ServiceLink office in their area. Funded by the State of New Hampshire and federal government. Call 1-866-634-9412.
ServiceLink Community Resource Directory
Search for services for older adults and people with disabilities online by type of service and community through the ServiceLink Community Resource Directory.
NH Family Voices
129 Pleasant Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: 603-271-4525
A "Family To Family Health and Education Center" assisting families of children/youth and young adults with chronic health, physical, developmental and mental health challenges. Provides one to one phone assistance, educational materials, online resources, a lending library and quarterly newsletter.
NAMI New Hampshire
(National Alliance for the Mentally Ill New Hampshire Chapter)
85 North State Street
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (800) 242-6264 or (603) 225-5359
NAMI NH Resource: Resource addresses, phone numbers and internet links are subject to change. If you are unable to connect with a resource, try searching the web for the name to see if new contact information or links are available. If you need assistance please contact the NAMI NH Information and Resource line at 1-800-242-6264 or
NAMI NH serves adults with mental illness and children with severe emotional disturbances and their families. As a statewide grassroots network of affiliate chapters, staff and volunteers that provide information, education and support to families and consumers of mental health services.
Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire
52 Pleasant Street in Concord
Concord, NH 03301
Telephone: (603) 225-8400
Helpline: (800) 773-8400
The Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire is a private, non-profit, family and consumer run organization representing over 5000 New Hampshire residents with acquired brain disorders and stroke.
BIANH Headway Quarterly Newsletters
Brain Injury and Stroke 12th Edition Resource Directory
The Autism Society of New Hampshire
P.O. BOX 68
Concord, NH 03302
The Autism Society of New Hampshire is dedicated to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Individuals with ASD have the right and capability to pursue happiness, make meaningful choices, and realize their full potential. Through education, advocacy, and support the Society hopes to foster the understanding, unqualified acceptance, and genuine appreciation of individuals with ASD
The Autism Society of New Hampshire is a non-profit organization consisting of individuals with ASD, families, professionals, friends, and community members.
Stepping Stones is a guidebook for people with disabilities, their families and the professionals who work with them. We collect stories from many sources including family members, people living with disabilities and advocates.
Stepping Stones is a specialty publication of Parenting NH sponsored by The NH Council on Developmental Disabilities and Crotched Mountain Foundation.
New Hampshire Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
SILC is the Statewide Independent Living Council whose mission is to provide leadership and advocacy in support of the independent living philosophy for persons living with disabilities. The Council is made up of individuals who believe that individuals living with a disability should have the opportunity to live independently within their communities.
New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities
Councils on Developmental Disabilities are agencies appointed by governors to represent and advocate for people with developmental disabilities. The 55 state and territorial Councils have authority to set priorities and develop strategies to improve the lives of the people with disabilities in their states.
New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities
2 1/2 Beacon Street
Concord, NH 03301-4447
Phone: 603-271-3236
Fax: 603-271-1156
The New Hampshire Council on Developmental Disabilities compiled this resource guide to provide helpful links for self-advocates and families of people with disabilities. Resource List
Family Resource Center of Central New Hampshire Resource Guide
Family Resource Center of Central NH: Who we are and what we mean to families and community— For hundreds of families living in the Lakes Region each year, the Family Resource Center of Central New Hampshire, a program of Lakes Region Community Services, offers respectful, non-judgmental education, early intervention, and support to assist families in their efforts to meet needs, make positive connections, and prepare children for success today and tomorrow because the Family Resource Center believes strong families lead to strong communities.