Time for Transition

Parent Information Center of NH

Mar 24, 2022 6p,m

VR New Hampshire provides pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) to high school students that are directly related to employment, education and independent living plans for after high school. Students participating in Pre-ETS may be eligible traditional VR services. Determining eligibility for VR services can provide access to combined resources in the final years of high school.

Join this chat as Tina Greco, Transition Coordinator at VR New Hampshire talks about Pre-ETS and the continuum of VR support to students.

Register for this online event: https://bit.ly/PICNHVR

[Image description: Three teenage students smiling in school hallway in front of blue lockers/ Text over navy blue background with event title, details and registration link]

Planning for life after high school

Parent Information Center

If your child is in high school or approaching the age of 14 it’s time to start using the IEP differently to plan life after high school. Often called post-secondary transition planning, new components are added to the IEP. How is it a process? What are the different components and how do they build on each other? Join others for this virtual workshop March 8, 2022 at 6pm to answers to these questions and more! Register at: https://conta.cc/3nLNQMK

[Grid of four smiling young adults of various ethnicity, one using a wheelchair, with white text on brown background "Planning for life after High School, A family-friendly workshop about how to use the transition components of an IEP to plan for life after high school. March 8, 2022 6-8pm Register athttps://conta.cc/3nLNQMK]

New Hampshire Family Voices Online Subscription

NHFV and PIC are striving to deliver valuable information and resources to families and the professionals that work with them through a variety of outreach tools. The paper copy of Pass It On serves many purposes and is one of our most valued resources. But reality is…many do their reading and sharing online. The webpage pdf of Pass it On contains live links so that readers may click and get to more in depth information in seconds. We would like to encourage those who are receiving a hard copy to think about this alternative and feel free to switch to the web page newsletter. This is easy to do, just follow these steps!

1. Go to www.nhfv.org and click on Membership.
2. Fill out the form as if you were a new member (please include address information).
3. Add nhfamilyvoices@nhfv.org to your email safe senders list, address book or contact list so that an email notice of a new newsletter is not blocked or filtered into your spam folder.
4. This free resource is intended for sharing so please continue to “Pass It On” to friends, family and professionals you think might find it useful.

Spring 2021 Newsletter

Past Newsletters

Suzanne Keays - smk@nhfv.org

Parent Information Center and NH Family Voices Present Family To Family Chats via ZOOM

The PIC Office is currently closed due to COVID-19.  However, staff are still able to speak with you and answer your questions.  Voicemails are checked multiple times a day, but email is the best way to reach staff.  You may do so visiting the Contact Us page.  Thank you!

Upcoming Virtual Chats Regarding Covid-19

Family to Family Chat: Ready, Set, Breathe!

May 18 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Adjusting to the “new normal” of COVID 19 can be difficult, especially when caring for a family member with a disability and or special healthcare needs. How do you find time for self-care and ensure you are putting your oxygen mask on first? Join a conversation to share your challenges and get ideas and resources to find your oxygen mask. Facilitated by Jenn Pineo at New Hampshire Family Voices – recently appointed remote teacher, mask deliverer, and zoom/google meet expert.

Register at – https://conta.cc/2L95mXN

Family to Family Chat: I NEED my friends!

May 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Teens and young adults crave socialization! Do you have questions about how you (or your teen/youth) with a disability and or chronic illness can stay safe AND socialize during these new times of social distancing? Are you worried about what COVID-19 looks like in a young person? Want to talk about some creative ways to live during the current state of affairs? Or do you have other concerns? Join our Zoom chat to have a discussion about these concerns with Dr. Lisa Plotnick (specializing in pediatrics and internal medicine) and Cate, a YEAH council member.

Register at – https://conta.cc/2WDVeeL

Taking your child to the hospital during Covid-19

May 27 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Do you have questions and/or concerns regarding taking your child to the hospital right now? Wondering how you should prepare them or be prepared yourself? Are you concerned with how your child will be kept safe but also concerned with your reluctance to
make a trip to the hospital?

Dr. Erik Shessler, Vice-Chair of the NH Pediatric Society, NH’s American Academy of Pediatrics chapter, and a practicing pediatrician will be available to talk about your questions and concerns.

Register at – https://conta.cc/3fQMD14

A confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent to you.

Ground Hog Day Anxiety and Self-Care

May 28 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

We wake up each day and it seems like the day before. It’s monotonous, it’s repetitive and it is creating a LOT of anxiety. Anxiety in kids who already had high anxiety, anxiety in kids who didn’t have anxiety and so much anxiety in parents.

How do we cope? What techniques are working to ease the anxiety in the home and what can family members do for self-care?

Join our Zoom chat to have an interactive discussion with staff from NAMI New Hampshire (National Alliance
on Mental Illness) on Ground Hog Day Anxiety and Self-Care ideas.

Register at – https://conta.cc/2Wwwoir

A confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent to you.

Bouncing Back: Building Resilience in Families with Young Children after COVID 19

June 3 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

The power to bounce back after a traumatic event doesn’t come easy – it takes resilience. However, in this time of uncertainty, many families with young children are concerned about how to develop and promote resilience as we enter a new normal. Sometimes promoting resilience can be as simple as observing, listening, and providing a sense of structure and stability.

Join Sandy Hogan, a PTAN consultant and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor who is also credentialed as an Early Childhood Master Professional/Allied Professional, and other NH families to talk about simple strategies you can use with your child to build resiliency.

Register at – https://conta.cc/35Zj7Si

A confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent to you.

Groundhog Day Anxiety and Self-Care

June 4 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

We wake up each day and it seems like the day before. It’s monotonous, it’s repetitive and it is creating a LOT of anxiety. Anxiety in kids who already had high anxiety, anxiety in kids who didn’t have anxiety and so much anxiety in parents.

How do we cope? What techniques are working to ease the anxiety in the home and what can family members do for self-care?

Join our Zoom chat to have an interactive discussion with staff from NAMI New Hampshire {National Alliance on Mental Illness) on Groundhog Day Anxiety and Self-Care ideas.

Register at – https://conta.cc/2X1M4t4

A confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting will be sent to you.

The Parent Information Center is not a legal services agency and cannot provide legal advice or legal representation.  The information in this presentation is provided as a public service for general information only and is not a substitute for legal advice about the facts of your or your child’s particular situation.  In addition, the law is always changing, through actions of the courts, legislature and public agencies.  If you have a problem or issue that requires legal advice, such advice should be obtained from an attorney.